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Patient Stories: Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

  • Michael Rubenstein

    Hoping to Save Limbs and Toes, California Moves to Curtail Diabetes

    Dr Alexander Reyzelman Right Confers With Michael Rubenstein A Diabetes Patient Photo By David Gorn Calmatters
    Dr. Alexander Reyzelman treats diabetes patient Michael Rubenstein. Photo by David Gorn/CALmatters The word "amputation" threw a chill down Michael Rubenstein's spine. The 67-year-old diabetic from San Mateo still winces at the thought. "They told me I'd need to cut it off right about here," he said, sawing his hand across his left shin. Two months after that diagnosis, he's on an exam table at the Center for Limb Preservation at UC San Francisco, his leg still whole, the threat of gangrene and amputation gone and his mood a lot less bleak and fearful. "Yeah, it turns out I didn't need [...]
    Story Tags: Charcot FootDiabetic Foot UlcersDiabetic NeuropathiesDiabetic Peripheral NeuropathyPeripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
  • John Maduell

    Conceptual Artist Retains Limb Against Long Odds

    John Maduell
    In his 33-year career as a conceptual artist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, John Maduell illustrated futuristic technologies few others could imagine. But he never envisioned the toll diabetes and vascular disease would take on his body—or that one day he might lose his legs because of these problems.  Maduell's troubles started two years ago when he developed a diabetic ulcer on his left foot. "Before I knew it, I was in the hospital, with three toes amputated," he says. Still, the wound didn't heal, and Maduell, who now lives and paints in Modesto, was told removing the[...]
    Story Tags: Diabetic Foot UlcersDiabetic Peripheral NeuropathyPeripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
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