University of California San Francisco

Kevin Eddinger
Kevin Eddinger, MD

Clinical Fellow (PGY-7)
Vascular Surgery

    Awards & Honors

    Award Conferred By Date
    โ€œGood Catchโ€ Patient Safety Award Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania 2019
    I.S. Ravdin Surgical Award University of Pennsylvania 2016
    Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society The Pennsylvania State University 2012
    John R. McWhirter Chemical Engineering Scholarship Award The Pennsylvania State University 2011


    Institution Degree Dept or School End Date
    Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania General Surgery 2023
    University of Pennsylvania MD 2016
    The Pennsylvania State University BS Chemical Engineering 2012


    1. CT-based pleural effusion volume estimation formula demonstrates low accuracy and reproducibility for traumatic hemothorax.
      Tewkesbury G, Beyer C, Eddinger K, McLauchlan N, Tran A, Cannon JW, Knollmann F| | PubMed
    2. A large series of true pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysms.
      Stoecker JB, Eddinger KC, Glaser JD, Wang GJ, Shlansky-Goldberg RD, Fairman RM, Jackson BM| | PubMed
    3. Local aortic aneurysm wall expansion measured with automated image analysis.
      Stoecker JB, Eddinger KC, Pouch AM, Vrudhula A, Jackson BM| | PubMed
    4. The Hyperattenuating Crescent Sign Is Not Necessarily a Sign of Impending Aortic Aneurysm Rupture.
      Stoecker JB, Eddinger KC, Pouch AM, Glaser JD, Foley PJI, Wang GJ, Kalapatapu VR, Jackson BM| | PubMed
    5. Occult Hepatocellular Carcinoma Associated With Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts in Liver Transplant Recipients.
      Krumeich LN, Mancinelli J, Cucchiara A, Eddinger K, Aufhauser D, Goldberg DW, Siegelman ES, Rosen M, Reddy KR, Hoteit M, Furth EE, Olthoff KM, Shaked A, Levine M, Abt P| | PubMed
    6. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
      Stoecker JB, Eddinger KC, Pouch AM, Jackson BM| | UCSF Research Profile
    7. Multicenter Study of Staging and Therapeutic Predictors of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence Following Transplantation.
      Welling TH, Eddinger K, Carrier K, Zhu D, Kleaveland T, Moore DE, Schaubel DE, Abt PL| | PubMed
    8. Incidence of Occult Intrahepatic Metastasis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated With Transplantation Corresponds to Early Recurrence Rates After Partial Hepatectomy.
      Aufhauser DD, Sadot E, Murken DR, Eddinger K, Hoteit M, Abt PL, Goldberg DS, DeMatteo RP, Levine MH| | PubMed
    9. Belatacept Compared With Tacrolimus for Kidney Transplantation: A Propensity Score Matched Cohort Study.
      Cohen JB, Eddinger KC, Forde KA, Abt PL, Sawinski D| | PubMed
    10. Effect of kidney donor hepatitis C virus serostatus on renal transplant recipient and allograft outcomes.
      Cohen JB, Eddinger KC, Shelton B, Locke JE, Forde KA, Sawinski D| | PubMed
    11. Survival Benefit of Transplantation with a Deceased Diabetic Donor Kidney Compared with Remaining on the Waitlist.
      Cohen JB, Eddinger KC, Locke JE, Forde KA, Reese PP, Sawinski DL| | PubMed
    12. Superior outcomes in HIV-positive kidney transplant patients compared with HCV-infected or HIV/HCV-coinfected recipients.
      Sawinski D, Forde KA, Eddinger K, Troxel AB, Blumberg E, Tebas P, Abt PL, Bloom RD| | PubMed